5 Habits That Will Change Your Life (and no, it’s not waking up early)

4 min readJan 7, 2023


You know what they say: “New year, new me.” Not if you don’t stop or start certain habits, though. If you keep repeating the same habits that kept you stuck and stagnant last year, you’re prone to not changing and to keep repeating the same cycles over and over and over and over again. As Albert Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

“So, how can I change my life for the better?”

Well, here’s five habits that might help! (And, like the title said, it’s not waking up early).

1: Stop procrastinating.

It’s easier said than done, but stop procrastinating on projects, hobbies, that new fitness routine, learning a new skill, school, or finding a new job. It’s hard to start, but it gets better. Try something for 10–30 minutes at first, then an hour, then two. It gets easier until you become used to it and it’s like second nature. Not only will this teach you discipline, but it’ll also help you prove to yourself that you’re capable of doing something new and sticking to it.

2: Start speaking your mind.

Again, easier said than done, especially if you’re someone that’s introverted. The more you speak your mind, the easier it gets. I don’t mean the type of speaking your mind where it’s “I’m going to be blunt to the point of meanness,” I mean the type where it’s “if someone is making me uncomfortable, I need to vocalize it and tell them to back off.” This will help you stand your ground, not only in social or private situations, but in school and the workplace as well (ie: if you feel a grade was made in error, if you want a raise). It’ll help you stand up for yourself more and advocate for yourself.

3: Spend time offline.

If you’re someone who spends a lot of time looking at a screen, your eyes are most likely tired from… well, staring at a screen. Do something, anything, that’s not online related that you like to do. Read a book. Draw. Go for a walk. Spend time with your friends or family or pet. Do some self-care. Anything that’s not looking at a screen. Make sure to move your eyes in all directions and look at signs that are far away, too.

4: Eat more fruits and vegetables and protein.

I know practically everyone says this, but it’s true. The moment I started to eat more fruits, vegetables, and protein is when I started feeling more energized. Working out factored into this as well, but not everyone can do that, so eating more fruits, vegetables, and protein is the next best thing. Apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, kale, arugula, dill, eggs, beans, nuts, meats, etc.

5: Stop looking at your phone as soon as you wake up and before you go to sleep.

Your brain (and you) need time to unwind, relax, and not be entertained for a bit. It’s better to do something else when you wake up (like lying in bed, reading, making a to-do list) and when you go to sleep (showering, self-care, reading) as opposed to scrolling on your phone, which distracts you and could possibly stress you out if you see or read something that you don’t like.

I hope this article has given you some ideas for habits that can change your life in the upcoming year!

