4 Things To Do if You’re Experiencing Burnout

2 min readApr 11, 2022


So you’ve gotten to a place where you’re experiencing burnout. You’re tired, unmotivated, and can’t really think of what to do to help. (Which is why I wrote this handy list).

  1. Rest. This may seem like the most common advice out there, but it’s true. Rest in all ways. Physically, emotionally, and mentally. Take a day or two and just relax, do self care, do your hobbies, or even spend a few days doing nothing. You don’t always need to be productive, contrary to popular belief.

2. Go back to what makes you happy.

What is your favorite thing in the world to do? Reading? Watching television? Roller skating? Do that. Not only will it break you free from feeling burnt out, it’ll also provide a mood booster, since you like doing those activities.

3. Talk to a friend or a mentor about it.

Talking to someone like a school counselor, friend, or a mentor can do a lot of good and it can help you figure out why you feel burnt out. It can help you get back on track and give you the proper advice and motivation to keep going (after resting, of course).

4. Set your priorities straight.

You may wonder what led you to feeling burnt out. Try and see what got you from point A to point B and where you can either make changes so that you’re not as stressed or try and find something new to do, if it’s something like a major or a job. Take days to rest during the week. Example: Saturday is a rest day. Do not do any work on that day. Simply rest and rejuvenate.

Make these changes and apply them, and you’ll be much less likely, if at all, to experience burnout!

